Source code for graphene_elastic.tests.test_source_backend

import logging
import unittest
import factories
from .base import BaseGrapheneElasticTestCase
from ..constants import ALL, VALUE

__all__ = (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class HighlightBackendElasticTestCase(BaseGrapheneElasticTestCase):
[docs] def setUp(self): super(HighlightBackendElasticTestCase, self).setUp() self.alice = "Alice" self.num_alice_posts = 9 self.alice_posts = factories.PostFactory.create_batch( self.num_alice_posts ) for _post in self.alice_posts: _post.title = "{} {} {}".format( self.faker.word().title(), self.alice, self.faker.word() ) _post.content = "{} {} {}".format( self.faker.paragraph(), self.alice, self.faker.paragraph() ) self.sleep(2)
def __check_values(self, edges, stack, empty_stack): for node in edges: for key, value in node['node'].items(): if key in stack: self.assertIsNotNone(value) elif key in empty_stack: self.assertIsNone(value) def __test_search_content(self, search, num_posts, stack, empty_stack): """Test search. content:{%s:"%s"} :param num_posts: :return: """ query = """ query { allPostDocuments(search:%s, source:[title, comments, id]) { edges { node { id title content category comments{ author{ name age } content createdAt } } } } } """ % search executed = self.client.execute(query) self.assertEqual( len(executed['data']['allPostDocuments']['edges']), num_posts ) self.__check_values( executed['data']['allPostDocuments']['edges'], stack, empty_stack ) return executed def _test_search_content(self): """"Test search content. :return: """ # Covering specific field lookups: `search:{title:{value:"Another"}}` with self.subTest('Test search the content on term "Django"'): self.__test_search_content( '{content:{%s:"%s"}}' % (VALUE, self.alice), self.num_alice_posts, ['title', 'comments', 'id'], ['content', 'category'] )
[docs] def test_all(self): """Test all. Since we don't write in specific tests, it's more efficient to run them all from a single method in order to save on speed ups between tests. """ self._test_search_content()
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()