Source code for graphene_elastic.tests.test_filter_backend

import datetime
import logging
import unittest

from graphene.utils.str_converters import to_camel_case
import factories
from ..constants import (
from .base import BaseGrapheneElasticTestCase

__all__ = (

logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)

[docs]class FilterBackendElasticTestCase(BaseGrapheneElasticTestCase): endpoint = 'allPostDocuments'
[docs] def setUp(self): super(FilterBackendElasticTestCase, self).setUp() # Important thing to know about the factories. # The `PostFactory` factory has `num_views` between 0 and 1_000. # The `ManyViewsPostFactory` factory has `num_views` between # 2_000 and 10_000. self.num_elastic_posts = 4 self.elastic_posts = factories.PostFactory.create_batch( self.num_elastic_posts, category='Elastic', tags=None, created_at=self.faker.date_between( start_date="+1d", end_date="+30d" ) ) for _post in self.elastic_posts: self.num_django_posts = 3 self.django_posts = factories.PostFactory.create_batch( self.num_django_posts, category='Django', created_at=self.faker.date_between( start_date="+1d", end_date="+30d" ) ) for _post in self.django_posts: self.num_python_posts = 2 self.python_posts = factories.ManyViewsPostFactory.create_batch( self.num_python_posts, category='Python', created_at=self.faker.date_between( start_date="-30d", end_date="-1d" ) ) for _post in self.python_posts: self.num_all_posts = ( self.num_elastic_posts + self.num_django_posts + self.num_python_posts ) self.all_posts = ( self.elastic_posts + self.django_posts + self.python_posts ) self.num_future_posts = ( self.num_elastic_posts + self.num_django_posts ) self.num_past_posts = self.num_python_posts ='%Y-%m-%d') self.sleep()
def __test_filter_text_lookups(self, query, num_posts, lookup=VALUE, field='category'): """Test filter text lookups (on field `category`). :param query: :param num_posts: :param field: :return: """ _query = """ query { %s(filter:{%s:{%s:%s}}) { edges { node { category title content numViews comments{ author{ name age } content createdAt } } } } } """ % (self.endpoint, field, lookup, query) logger.debug(_query) executed = self.client.execute(_query) self.assertEqual( len(executed['data']['allPostDocuments']['edges']), num_posts ) def __test_nested_filter_lookups( self, *fields, lookup, value, num_posts ): """Test nested filter lookups and check num of results. :param fields: fields hierarchy :param lookup: :param value: :param num_posts: num of results :return: """ def _query_params(): s = "" for field in fields: s += "{}:{{".format(field) s += "{}: {}".format(lookup, value) s += "}" * len(fields) return s _query = """ query { %s(filter:{%s}) { edges { node { category title content numViews comments{ author{ name age } tag content createdAt } } } } } """ % (self.endpoint, _query_params()) executed = self.client.execute(_query) self.assertEqual( len(executed["data"][self.endpoint]["edges"]), num_posts, _query ) def __test_filter_number_lookups(self, field, value, num_posts, lookup=LOOKUP_QUERY_GT): """Test filter number lookups (on field `num_views`). :param field: :param value: :param num_posts: :param lookup: :return: """ _query = """ query { %s(filter:{%s:{%s:%s}}) { edges { node { category title content numViews comments{ author{ name age } content createdAt } } } } } """ % (self.endpoint, field, lookup, value) logger.debug(_query) executed = self.client.execute(_query) self.assertEqual( len(executed['data']['allPostDocuments']['edges']), num_posts, _query ) def _test_filter_term_terms_lookup(self): """"Test filter `term` and `terms` lookups (on field `category`). :return: """ with self.subTest('Test filter on field `category` "Django" ' 'using default lookup (`term`)'): self.__test_filter_text_lookups( '"Django"', self.num_django_posts ) with self.subTest('Test filter on field `category` "Django" ' 'using `term` lookup'): self.__test_filter_text_lookups( '"Django"', self.num_django_posts, lookup=LOOKUP_FILTER_TERM ) with self.subTest('Test filter on field `category` "Elastic" ' 'using default lookup (`term`)'): self.__test_filter_text_lookups( '"Elastic"', self.num_elastic_posts ) with self.subTest('Test filter on field `category` "Elastic" ' 'using `term` lookup'): self.__test_filter_text_lookups( '"Elastic"', self.num_elastic_posts, LOOKUP_FILTER_TERM ) with self.subTest('Test filter on field `category` ' '["Elastic", "Django"] using `terms` lookup'): self.__test_filter_text_lookups( '["Elastic", "Django"]', self.num_elastic_posts + self.num_django_posts, LOOKUP_FILTER_TERMS ) with self.subTest('Test filter on field `category` ' '["Elastic", "Django"] using `in` lookup'): self.__test_filter_text_lookups( '["Elastic", "Django"]', self.num_elastic_posts + self.num_django_posts, LOOKUP_QUERY_IN ) def _test_filter_prefix_starts_ends_with_contains_wildcard_lookups(self): """"Test filters `prefix`, `starts_with` and `ends_with` lookups (on field `category`). :return: """ with self.subTest('Test filter on field `category` "Elastic" ' 'using `contains` lookup'): self.__test_filter_text_lookups( '"ytho"', self.num_python_posts, LOOKUP_QUERY_CONTAINS ) with self.subTest('Test filter on field `category` "Elastic" ' 'using `wildcard` lookup'): self.__test_filter_text_lookups( '"*ytho*"', self.num_python_posts, LOOKUP_FILTER_WILDCARD ) with self.subTest('Test filter on field `category` "Elastic" ' 'using `prefix` lookup'): self.__test_filter_text_lookups( '"Pyth"', self.num_python_posts, to_camel_case(LOOKUP_FILTER_PREFIX) ) with self.subTest('Test filter on field `category` "Elastic" ' 'using `starts_with` lookup'): self.__test_filter_text_lookups( '"Pyth"', self.num_python_posts, to_camel_case(LOOKUP_QUERY_STARTSWITH) ) with self.subTest('Test filter on field `category` "Elastic" ' 'using `ends_with` lookup'): self.__test_filter_text_lookups( '"ython"', self.num_python_posts, to_camel_case(LOOKUP_QUERY_ENDSWITH) ) def _test_filter_exclude_lookup(self): """"Test filter `exclude` lookup (on field `category`). :return: """ with self.subTest('Test filter on field `category` "Elastic" ' 'using `exclude` lookup'): self.__test_filter_text_lookups( '"Python"', self.num_all_posts - self.num_python_posts, LOOKUP_QUERY_EXCLUDE ) def _test_filter_exists_is_null_lookups(self): """"Test filter `exists` lookup (on fields `category` and `i_do_not_exist`). :return: """ with self.subTest('Test filter on field `category`' 'using `exists` lookup'): self.__test_filter_text_lookups( 'true', self.num_all_posts, LOOKUP_FILTER_EXISTS ) with self.subTest('Test filter on field `category`' 'using `is_null` lookup'): self.__test_filter_text_lookups( 'false', self.num_all_posts, to_camel_case(LOOKUP_QUERY_ISNULL) ) # TODO: See if we can test this case # with self.subTest('Test filter on field `i_do_not_exist`' # 'using `exists` lookup'): # self._test_filter_text_lookups( # 'true', # 0, # LOOKUP_FILTER_EXISTS, # field='i_do_not_exist' # ) def _test_filter_gt_gte_lt_lte_range_lookups(self): """"Test filter `gt`, `gte`, `lt`, `lte`, `range` lookups (on field `num_views`). :return: """ # This should be all posts, since minimum value for posts is 0. with self.subTest('Test filter on field `num_views` ' 'using `gt` lookup'): self.__test_filter_number_lookups( 'numViews', '{decimal:"0.1"}', self.num_all_posts ) # This should be Python posts only, since they may start at 2_000. with self.subTest('Test filter on field `num_views` ' 'using `gt` lookup'): self.__test_filter_number_lookups( 'numViews', '{decimal:"1999"}', self.num_python_posts ) # This should be Elastic and Django posts only, since they have # dates in future. with self.subTest('Test filter on field `created_at` ' 'using `gt` lookup'): self.__test_filter_number_lookups( 'createdAt', '{date:"%s"}' %, self.num_future_posts, lookup=LOOKUP_QUERY_GT ) # This shall be all posts (including 0). with self.subTest('Test filter on field `num_views` ' 'using `gte` lookup'): self.__test_filter_number_lookups( 'numViews', '{decimal:"0"}', self.num_all_posts, lookup=LOOKUP_QUERY_GTE ) # This should be Elastic and Django posts only, since they have # dates in future. with self.subTest('Test filter on field `created_at` ' 'using `gt` lookup'): self.__test_filter_number_lookups( 'createdAt', '{date:"%s"}' %, self.num_future_posts, lookup=LOOKUP_QUERY_GTE ) # This shall be Python posts only, since they may start at 2_000. with self.subTest('Test filter on field `num_views` ' 'using `gte` lookup'): self.__test_filter_number_lookups( 'numViews', '{decimal:"2000"}', self.num_python_posts, lookup=LOOKUP_QUERY_GTE ) # This shall be all posts, since maximum is 10_000. with self.subTest('Test filter on field `num_views` ' 'using `lt` lookup'): self.__test_filter_number_lookups( 'numViews', '{decimal:"10001"}', self.num_all_posts, lookup=LOOKUP_QUERY_LT ) # This should be Python posts only, since they have # dates in past. with self.subTest('Test filter on field `created_at` ' 'using `lt` lookup'): self.__test_filter_number_lookups( 'createdAt', '{date:"%s"}' %, self.num_past_posts, lookup=LOOKUP_QUERY_LT ) # This shall exclude Python posts, since they start at 2_000. with self.subTest('Test filter on field `num_views` ' 'using `lt` lookup'): self.__test_filter_number_lookups( 'numViews', '{decimal:"2000"}', self.num_all_posts - self.num_python_posts, lookup=LOOKUP_QUERY_LT ) # This shall be all posts, since maximum is 10_000. with self.subTest('Test filter on field `num_views` ' 'using `lte` lookup'): self.__test_filter_number_lookups( 'numViews', '{decimal:"10000"}', self.num_all_posts, lookup=LOOKUP_QUERY_LTE ) # This should be Python posts only, since they have # dates in past. with self.subTest('Test filter on field `created_at` ' 'using `lte` lookup'): self.__test_filter_number_lookups( 'createdAt', '{date:"%s"}' %, self.num_past_posts, lookup=LOOKUP_QUERY_LTE ) # This shall exclude all Python posts, since they start at 2_000 with self.subTest('Test filter on field `num_views` ' 'using `lte` lookup'): self.__test_filter_number_lookups( 'numViews', '{decimal:"1999"}', self.num_all_posts - self.num_python_posts, lookup=LOOKUP_QUERY_LTE ) # To test range successfully, since we do not make specific range # factories in between, we simply count the number of posts # between 100 and 300 and test. with self.subTest('Test filter on field `num_views` ' 'using `range` lookup'): _count = 0 for _p in self.all_posts: if 100 <= _p.num_views <= 300: _count += 1 self.__test_filter_number_lookups( 'numViews', '{%s: {decimal:"%s"}, %s: {decimal:"%s"}}' % ( LOWER, '100', UPPER, '300' ), _count, lookup=LOOKUP_FILTER_RANGE ) def _test_filter_nested_lookup(self): with self.subTest('Test filter on field `comments.tag`' 'using `term` lookup'): _count = 0 for _post in self.all_posts: for _post_comment in _post.comments: if _post_comment.tag == "Python": _count += 1 break self.__test_nested_filter_lookups( "comments", "tag", lookup="term", value='"Python"', num_posts=_count ) with self.subTest('Test filter on field `comments.tag`' 'using `terms` lookup'): _count = 0 for _post in self.all_posts: for _post_comment in _post.comments: if _post_comment.tag in ["Python", "MongoDB"]: _count += 1 break self.__test_nested_filter_lookups( "comments", "tag", lookup="terms", value='["Python", "MongoDB"]', num_posts=_count ) # TODO: Test range dates
[docs] def test_all(self): """Test all. Since we don't write in specific tests, it's more efficient to run them all from a single method in order to save on speed ups between tests. """ self._test_filter_term_terms_lookup() self._test_filter_prefix_starts_ends_with_contains_wildcard_lookups() self._test_filter_exclude_lookup() self._test_filter_exists_is_null_lookups() self._test_filter_gt_gte_lt_lte_range_lookups() self._test_filter_nested_lookup()
if __name__ == '__main__': unittest.main()